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Essential Things to Know About Flossing Your Dental Implants

October 25, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lifetimedental @ 7:44 pm
a woman smiling about flossing dental implants in Gainesville

One of the most popular and effective ways to renew missing pearly whites is dental implants. By embedding these titanium posts into your jawbone, you can rebuild your teeth from the roots up and preserve a more youthful facial shape. Plus, your restorations will be durable, natural-looking, and can last several decades to a lifetime! That said, you’ll have to maintain them by keeping them clean with the proper techniques. Keep reading to learn why flossing dental implants is crucial and how to preserve your new smile for many years to come!


How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

October 11, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — lifetimedental @ 3:08 pm
dentist holding a model of a dental implant

While you have a variety of options these days for replacing missing teeth, none are as effective at recreating your original smile as dental implants. These prosthetic teeth are by far the closest thing to having your old pearly whites back. After losing your teeth, you naturally want your new ones to stand the test of time, and dental implants are by far the most durable tooth replacement. Just how long do dental implants last? Keep reading to find out!

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