Are you missing all or even most of your teeth? If so, you’re not alone. Tooth loss is a serious problem that is estimated to affect more than 120 million Americans. For this reason, many solutions have been developed to deal with missing teeth. One of those solutions is known as dentures. These prosthetic teeth can be used to replace any number of missing teeth you may have, from just a few to an entire mouth’s worth. To learn more, continue reading below, or simply give us a call.
If you’re missing all your teeth, a full denture is just what you need. Likewise, if you only have a few gaps in your grin, you could benefit from a partial or even a dental bridge. In either case, your new teeth could also easily be held in place with dental implants. However, we generally ask that your remaining teeth and gums be infection-free before placing dentures. Our team will be sure to walk you through your options after we’ve been able to assess your situation with an initial consultation. Until then, here are several things to consider when determining if you’re a good candidate for dentures in Gainesville.
Knowing what causes missing teeth and the consequences of leaving them unaddressed is incredibly crucial for your oral health. Firstly, the most common reasons people lose their teeth involve gingivitis, tooth decay, accidental injury, and even poor oral hygiene habits. Certain systemic conditions can also result in losing multiple teeth.
If you have one, several, or all of your pearly whites missing, you must get them replaced. Neglecting to fill in the gaps in your smile can lead to various negative impacts. Due to a lack of stimulation from tooth roots, your jawbone can begin to deteriorate, altering and shrinking your facial shape. Any remaining natural teeth will also start to move out of place to fill the space, which can result in further tooth loss. Additionally, you may experience complications like difficulty talking, uncomfortable eating, facial sagging, and lower self-confidence.
Most people who are struggling with tooth loss can benefit from dentures. This treatment is cost-effective and convenient for those who need a reliable method of restoring their smile. It’s also helpful for people who have sensitive teeth or dental decay. That said, you’ll need to have healthy gum tissue and a strong jawbone to make sure your prosthetics are successful.
The type of denture you’ll receive will mostly depend on the number of teeth missing. These can include partial dentures, full dentures, and implant dentures. Patients who are on a budget may opt for regular dentures for replacing their pearly whites.
If you aren’t eligible for dentures, you can still explore your other tooth-replacement options, such as:
By replacing your missing pearly whites with dentures, you can be sure to enjoy a custom-designed prosthetic that’ll specifically match your unique smile. Our team will inform you on how to maintain your new teeth, but we can also explain how they’re made as well. Knowing how we make your dentures might even help you appreciate them that much more. Read on to learn what we do to create your final and trustworthy results!
Your prosthetics will generally be made of two parts: the denture base and the artificial teeth. Here’s what’s included in each:
The process of creating your dentures will be multifaceted. First, Dr. Her will take impressions of your mouth (the lower and upper gums) and use this to develop an accurate plaster replica of your mouth. This model will be the basis for forming your permanent dentures. Dr. Her will send this replica to a dental lab for fabrication. There, the technicians will construct a wax replica of your gums to place your artificial teeth into via an articulator.
After they’ve made any adjustments, the wax prosthetics will be sent back to our office for a fitting. If all is well, they’ll be returned to the lab for the final portions of the process. The dentures will be placed in a flask, filled with plaster to hold their shape, and then the flask will be put in hot water to melt the wax parts off. The technicians will make holes in the teeth and inject acrylic into the flask to take the place of the wax.
The laboratory staff will use special tools to carefully extract the plaster from the denture before putting the prosthetics in an ultrasonic bath to remove any excess acrylic/plaster. The team will polish the dentures before sending them to us. You’ll be called back into our office, we’ll make any final adjustments, and confirm that your prosthetics work properly before sending you on your way.
Once you’ve started wearing your dentures, it can take some time for you to get accustomed to them. Usually, patients may feel some discomfort on the gum line as their mouth gets used to the prosthetics. This should dissipate after a short while and your new teeth should feel more natural to use. With some time and practice, you’ll be free to speak confidently and eat comfortably. Of course, be sure to stick with foods that don’t require excessive chewing and to exercise your facial muscles daily.
There are three main types of dentures in Gainesville:
These are what you likely envision when someone mentions the word “dentures.” Full dentures consist of an entire set of ceramic teeth attached to a gum-colored base made of acrylic. This base fits right over your gum tissue and stays attached with natural suction and a little bit of denture adhesive if necessary. Full dentures are used to replace an entire arch of missing teeth.
Also known simply as partials, partial dentures are used for patients who are only missing some of their teeth. As many teeth as you’re missing are attached to a metal framework that clasps onto your remaining natural teeth, fitting into your smile like the missing piece of a puzzle.
While today’s dentures are more comfortable and well-fitting than ever before, they still lose their fit every few years and have to be replaced. To avoid this problem, you can get your dentures secured with dental implants. Your dentist in Gainesville, Dr. Her, can place an average of four to six implants throughout your jawbone. Then, either a full or partial denture is attached to these implants, allowing for a full smile that looks and feels completely natural. In addition, they prevent the bone loss that comes as a result of prolonged tooth loss in a way that traditional dentures alone simply cannot.
Dentures offer several advantages over simply suffering through tooth loss. They can transform many different aspects of your life, affecting everything from the foods you’re able to eat to how you feel. Our team at Lifetime Dental of Gainesville will help design and fit your new prosthetic to not only look natural, but also feel comfortable within your mouth, and when paired with dental implants, the advantages are endless.
Dentures are used to replace several or all teeth missing in an arch, but when these large gaps are left within the smile, it can have grave impacts on your psychological wellbeing and confidence. In fact, it’s not uncommon for those who experience extensive tooth loss to be at an increased risk of social anxiety and depression. Dentures will allow you to regain the priceless ability to smile, laugh, and talk without feeling self-conscious about others seeing you. This can alter the way you experience life!
Your teeth, tongue, and lips work together to help you pronounce certain sounds and words with your mouth. With a complete set of pearly whites out of the equation, you’ll likely find it more difficult to communicate effectively and have smooth conversations with others. While your dentures may require a short adjustment period, once you get used to the way they feel within your mouth, you should be able to speak much more easily.
Just like with your speaking abilities, your teeth play an incredibly important role in chewing and breaking down food, allowing your body to get key nutrients that it needs to thrive. If you aren’t able to properly chew your food, it could lead to digestive problems and even malnutrition. With your dentures, you’ll be able to eat a wider range of foods, leading to a more balanced diet.
An unfortunate reality of tooth loss is that when it’s left unchecked, it could lead to even more extensive tooth loss. This is because the gaps in your smile can lead to secondary dental concerns, including misalignment, a buildup of food debris and plaque, and a higher risk of problems like cavities and gum disease. With full or partial dentures, you’ll be able to preserve the alignment of your smile and decrease your chances of sustaining additional tooth loss.
Missing teeth can not only impact your self-esteem, but also how others view you, which is an unfortunate reality that many people have to face. This can make it harder to make a great first impression during important job interviews, first dates, and other key moments in your life. With dentures, you’ll be able to show off a complete and healthy-looking smile that helps you exude confidence.
Dentures are designed to fit exactly for you and you only. Due to this high level of personalization, the cost of your denture can vary quite significantly. Ahead of your initial consultation at Lifetime Dental of Gainesville, we encourage you to learn more about the denture process and how we determine the final price of your future prosthesis. If you have questions, give us a call or let us know during your next visit!
If you are considering a denture to replace teeth, you’ll want to keep these three factors in mind as they have the largest influence on the cost of your tooth replacement:
Keep in mind that cheap does not always mean better, especially for something that is going into your mouth and being used on a daily basis. Dentures are an investment, but they are worth it for your quality of life and appearance!
Implant dentures are by their very nature more expensive than traditional dentures because they make use of dental implants to hold your prosthesis instead of the natural shape of the mouth or existing teeth. As a result, you can expect a denture that feels more permanent, looks more lifelike, and allows you to eat the foods you want without worry of it shifting or slipping out of place. Implant dentures also last significantly longer, meaning you won’t need to replace them for multiple decades while traditional dentures need replacement every 5 to 7 years.
Dentures are considered a major restorative procedure by most dental insurance plans, which means they receive around 50% coverage from many providers. However, this is largely dependent on the type of plan you have and who you have it from, so always check the details of your plan before making any commitments. Our team is happy to help you through this process and confirm your specific benefits.
Even if you don’t have dental insurance, there are other options available to you that make dentures more affordable. For example, financing companies like CareCredit allow you to make monthly installments on your tooth replacement with little to no interest attached. If you’re living on a strict budget, enrolling with their plans can ensure you get the denture you need without paying a large sum out of pocket. We also offer an in-house membership plan that can help you save money on our office’s services, allowing you to allocate more money towards your denture. To learn more about your financing options with us, give us a call to set up a consultation!
Dentures are a life-changing solution for people who are missing most or all of their teeth. However, even if you don’t have any teeth remaining, this doesn’t mean that you should stop seeing your dentist. Routine dental visits are important for a variety of different reasons. Your dentist will continue to monitor any existing teeth and gum tissue. They will also keep an eye out for abnormalities that could indicate oral cancer. When you have dentures, it is very difficult to notice this kind of thing on your own. Early detection from your dentist is key to making a full recovery.
After you finish snacks and meals, you should take out your dentures and rinse them off. This will help to prevent the buildup of food debris and plaque. Make sure the water you are using isn’t too hot. High temperatures can warp the denture material, causing it to no longer fit properly.
When it is time to clean your dentures, take them out. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a small amount of unscented hand soap, mild dish soap, or denture cleanser to gently brush your dentures. Don’t use regular toothpaste because dentures aren’t made to stand up to abrasive materials. If you aren’t going to be using your dentures again right away, put them in a container of water or denture-cleansing solution so they don’t dry out. Remember to always thoroughly risk your dentures before putting them back into your mouth.
When you clean your dentures, place a towel beneath you just in case you accidentally drop them. This will reduce the probability of your dentures becoming damaged. Remember to keep your restoration out of reach of small children and pets.
When it’s time to go to bed, it is best to take out your dentures. This is because wearing dentures restricts the circulation in your gums, leading to soft-tissue irritation. Sleeping with dentures has also been associated with higher levels of gum and tongue plaque. Overnight, keep your dentures in a denture-soaking solution. Allowing your dentures to dry out can cause them to permanently lose their shape.
You should always be on the lookout for changes so you can address them with your dentist. This includes mouth sores, gum irritation, and signs of infection. If your dentures become damaged, you shouldn’t attempt to repair them on your own. Instead, give us a call so we can take a look.
If you have all-on-4 dental implants, the aftercare process is quite a bit different. You should brush your dentures twice a day using a soft-bristled manual or electric toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste. Floss your replacement teeth daily. You can find floss threaders to help you clean beneath your denture. You may also want to consider investing in a water flosser. For extra freshness, use an antibacterial mouthwash.
If you’re looking to restore your smile and bite, dentures in Gainesville are a classic, affordable option. At Lifetime Dental of Gainesville, we’re proud to use the highest-quality materials and state-of-the-art technology for the best results. For your convenience, we’ve gathered some of the most common questions about this traditional tooth replacement option below.
The first step on your journey towards a beautiful, complete smile is to schedule a consultation with your Gainesville dentist Dr. Shue Her. During this appointment, Dr. Her will go over your smile goals with you and review your oral and overall health. This will help him determine which tooth replacement options will best help you reach your desired results. After fully explaining all your options, he’ll help you choose the one that’s best for you and design your custom treatment plan.
While your dentures aren’t vulnerable to tooth decay like natural teeth are, you’ll still need to clean them at least twice a day. Regularly removing plaque, bacteria, and food debris plays a key role in preventing oral health problems like gum disease and infections. However, regular toothbrushes and toothpastes are too abrasive on your dentures and can end up scratching or weakening them. Instead, you should only clean them with special denture brushes and cleaners to keep your new smile beautiful and healthy for years to come.
The lifespan of your dentures relies heavily on how well you take care of them. For instance, if you handle your dentures carelessly, you may break them and need to replace them sooner than normal. On average, your dentures should last about a decade before losing their fit and needing to be replaced.
However, the same doesn’t hold true if you’ve restored your smile with implant-retained dentures. Since these restorations have fused directly with your jawbone, they’re designed to become a permanent solution to tooth loss. You can easily expect to enjoy their unmatched comfort and stability for a lifetime with the proper care!
Every dental insurance policy is different, so there isn’t a single answer to this question. Generally speaking, dental insurance companies will cover at least a portion of the cost of dentures. You’ll need to review your policy paperwork or call your insurance provider to see just how much is covered in your plan. Or, you can simply bring your dental insurance information with you to your consultation. Our talented and compassionate team has years of experience helping our patients maximize their benefits. We would be happy to go over your policy details with you.
We are in-network with numerous insurance companies and work with virtually all PPO plans. Additionally, we offer third-party financing through CareCredit. This trusted company can break down the price of your treatment into payments that fit into your budget. During your consultation, we’ll be happy to help you discover how affordable regaining your complete smile can be!
Don’t let missing teeth keep you from fully enjoying your life! Call us today to see if you can benefit from full or partial dentures!
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